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Verifications of the Germanic/German New Medicine
Translated letter from the University of Trnava
Letter of confirmation:
On September 8 and 9, 1998, seven patients with over 20 individual diseases were investigated at the Oncology Division of the Hospital of the University of Trnava.
Present were:
the Vice-Chairman of the University of Trnava,
the Dean of the Faculty of Treatment Methods and Social Science of the University
of Trnava, and a total of 10 teachers and professors.
(The medical protocols prepared by Dr. Hamer for these cases are available).
The object of the investigation was to verify the New Medicine system scientifically.
This proved to be the case.
Some 100 facts can be established for each disease according to the rules of the “New Medicine”. While all 100 facts could not be established given the shortage of investigative findings, the facts that could be established showed that the natural laws of the “New Medicine” were all fulfilled.
The undersigned therefore conclude that from the proof in two testing conferences, there is a high probability that the system is well founded.
We have the greatest respect for Dr. Hamer’s human, ethical and untiring treatment towards patients in his new holistic approach. In view of all these factors, we are of the impression that the “New Medicine” should urgently be followed up and put to use.
Trnava, September 11, 1998
Prof. MUDr J Pogády, Dr Sc, Prof. for Psychiatry
Chairman of the Commission
Prof MUDr V Krõméry, Dr Sc Dean of the Faculty
Doc RNDr J Mikloško, Dr Sc, Vice-Chairman of Research
Vienna, September 6, 1984
Division of Angiology
Of the Cardiology University Clinic
This testifies that at a conference attended by
Madam Professor Dr. Mannheimer, Cardiologist, Univ. Clinic, Vienna
Mr. Prof. Dr. Pakisser, Central Radiology, Univ. Vienna
Mr. Prof. Dr. Imhof, Central Radiology, Computerized Tomography
Mr. Dr. Hamer, Internist, Rome
a study took place to clarify, on an overview basis, the possible interconnection
between heart infarction and alterations in the brain, specifically right
temporal in the shape of a so-called HH.
The following patients were included in the study: (All names struck out)
From the Cardiology Univ. Clinic in Vienna (Prof. C. Kaiadl)
1. 59 years-old, fresh infarction of the front wall
2. 57 years-old, acute rear-wall infarction
3. 45 years-old, acute frontal wall infarction
4. 61 years-old, subacute frontal wall infarction
From the Policlinic (Cardiology) of the II. Med. Clinic of the City of Vienna
(Prof. Dr. Tiso):
1. 58 years-old, 4-month-old frontal wall infarction
2. (age not provided), 6-month old rear wall infarction
3. 60 years-old, fresh minor rear wall infarction
4. 53 years-old, fresh, prolonged frontal wall infarction
Other than the last patient from the Policlinic for whom we will have a CT
in the next few days, a CT without contrast medium (dye) was available for
all patients.
Examination of all patients at six-week intervals is foreseen.
Today’s conference has established, as certified by patient signatures
and documented by physicians, that the clinical course, in particular the
vegetative state, has corresponded in each and every case to the RULE OF CANCER;
heart infarction always occurred after the resolution of the “territorial
conflict” and the patients were subjectively in good health again (vagotonia).
The CT plates of the brain did not seem to be unequivocal in every single
case, yet for the majority it was surprisingly so. The opinion from this conference
is that a study is desirable to clarify definitively what the interconnections
Later studies will eventually determine the several cerebral locations of
anterior wall infarction (more frontal) and posterior wall infarction (further
dorsally), when the interconnections have already been clarified.
Vienna, September 6, 1984 Signed: Prof. Dr. E. Mannheimer
Vienna, December 9th, ’88
The following five physicians conducted a confirmatory evaluation of the
reproducibility of the IRON RULE OF CANCER in Vienna on 9/12/1988
[with signatures]
Elisabeth M Rozkydal
Dr. Med. Practising Physician
Address and phone
Univ Professor
DDR. Jörg Birkmayer
Specialist in laboratory medicine
Address, telephone
Dr. Franz Reinish
Specialist, Internal Medicine
Dr. Fritz Blurz, Internal Medicine
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer
In total 7 patients were examined. The objective of the examination was to determine whether these patients with multiple diseases (cancer, multiple sclerosis and cancer equivalents such as Crohn’s disease) showed disease pictures and courses that agreed with the IRON RULE OF CANCER.
Unequivocally this was the case, and in fact on all three planes. The psychic plane, determined for the patients through the conflict anamnesis, the cerebral plane was demonstrated with the available CT plates and clinical findings, and x-rays assured the organic level.
Most patients were not known by Dr. Hamer.
The interconnections were convincing.
Vienna, 9 December, 1988
Gelsenkirchen, June 24th, ’92
State Children’s Clinic of Gelsenkirchen
Professor Dr. Stennmann
Mr. Dean
Prof Dr. D. P. Pfitzer
Medical Faculty of the
University of Düsseldorf
Esteemed Mr. Dean:
I complied with your suggestion to investigate 20 cases at a medical conference,
as a member of the Medical Faculty, to determine whether they were reproducible
and compliant with the biological laws of the “New Medicine”.
I am now reporting on this to you and the Faculty.
On May 23rd and 24th, 1992, a conference took place under my direction at
the State Children’s Clinic in Gelsenkirchen to determine, with 24 cases,
whether or not the four laws of the “New Medicine” discovered
and defined by Dr. Med Ryke Geerd Hamer applied in every single case. Each
of the 24 cases had an average of 4 or 5 diseases.
As you well know, the 4 biological laws of the New Medicine” are as
1. The IRON RULE OF CANCER, with its 3 criteria
2. The law of the two phasedness of disease, once the conflict is resolved
3. The ontogenetic system of cancers and cancer-equivalent diseases
4. The ontogenetically mediated system of microbes
The 24 cases covered the following diseases:
Cancer, leukemia, psychosis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, allergy, epilepsy,
brain tumour, infectious disease, tuberculosis and sarcoma.
Without exception, in all 24 cases, we found that laws 1, 2 and 3 of the “New
Medicine” were satisfied precisely for each part of a disease, and on
the three levels of psyche, brain and organ, synchronously for each phase.
The fourth law, the ontogenetically mediated system of the microbes could
not be proven because the necessary supporting evidence (such as pathogen
identification) was not sufficiently available.
In the next few days you will receive the detailed documentation together
with the report of the demonstration.
The likelihood that the laws of the New Medicine (1-3) are correct must be
established as very high, given the strong scientific test of reproducibility.
Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. E. A. Stemmann Dr. Elke Mühlpfort
Lead Physician (stamp) Child physician, school-physician (stamp)
Burgau, January 27th, ’93
Centre for New Medicine in Austria
Director: Dr. Med Ryke Geerd Hamer
Burgau, 27/1/1993
On January 27, 1993, in the presence of Dr. Willibald Stangl, medical officer,
Dr. Wilhelm Limberger, practising physician and Dr. Hamer, at the named centre,
12 cases were investigated in detail according to the laws of the “New
Medicine” to determine whether the 4 biological laws of the “New
Medicine” were applicable. Each case presented on average with 3 to
4 diseases.
The 4 biological laws of the New Medicine” are the following:
1. The IRON RULE OF CANCER, with its 3 criteria
2. The law of the two phasedness of disease, when the conflict has been resolved
3. The ontogenetic system of cancers and cancer-equivalent diseases
4. The ontogenetically mediated system of microbes
The 12 cases covered the following diseases:
Cancer, psychosis, diabetes, brain tumour, sarcoma, multiple sclerosis and
In the 12 cases which all presented several diseases, we found that the biological
laws 1-3 of the New Medicine were satisfied precisely, without exception.
The 4th law, the ontogenetically mediated system of the microbes could not
be proven because the necessary evidence was not available in a satisfactory
Dr. Willibald Stangl Dr. Wilhelm Limberger
Medical Officer Practising physician
Why am I sharing this with you? It is probably not the task of a medical officer
to prove these findings. But, if they are right, several aspects of our health
service would result in completely contrary medical views that would bring
about far-reaching changes in the law. E.g. epileptics would not have their
driving licences suspended, care of those afflicted with TB would be put on
an entirely different basis, the law protecting mothers would have to be amended
to include clauses protecting the fetus. In assessing the handicapped (assignment
of treatment money) or children (doubled child assistance according to the
law on family assistance) as well as the early retirement of those who are
sick, corrections and new measures must be put in place that would have great
administrative impact. The law on eliminating bacilli could be struck and
improved hygiene put in its place. This and much else could be changed.
The medical officers in lower Austria who have formed a scientific association
will, of course, disagree with these discoveries because of the pressure they
would receive from the population. On the one hand, courts of law are not
the forum in which to settle these disputes but on the other hand, we cannot
be accused of being inflexible, so as chairperson of this scientific association
of ours, Mr. Dean, I am asking you to convince the university to have the
Iron Rule of Cancer and equivalent diseases tested and proven.
I look forward to your reply and will communicate it through the umbrella
organization of the medical officers to all colleagues throughout the land.
Dr. Stangl, Willibald, Medical Officer
Villejuif, August 20th, ’97
Marc Frechet
Clinical psychologist
Titles and address
Re: witness evidence
High Court,
I am aware that this statement to the Court may be mis-used. I am aware and
accept the eventual consequences of the appended statement with regard to
your jurisdiction.
I have practised as a freelance clinical psychologist since 1978. I practised
for nine years in the clinic of Pul Brousse in Villejuif in the area of medical
oncology collaborating with Prof. G. Mathe. Financing came from the Association
Claude Barnard.
I carried out the following assignments:
1 I was busy in consultation every Thursday all day. The people who consulted
me had somatic symptoms that manifested in blood diseases or tumours. The
treating physicians in the clinic referred all of these patients to me. About
1000 people consulted me during these nine years. These patients included
both adults and children. When it became clear that I would leave the clinic,
I stopped taking new patients in the last year.
2 Other than the consultations, I was occupied with research. This research
consisted in checking the statements of many people regarding the psychological
side of cancer suffering.
The basis for this checking was the following: When they were confronted with
their despair and depression, in search of some wonder cure that would be
instant, I would ask them to consider an inner meaning to their disease instead
of seeking an outer solution.
I asked them to identify their major daily problems and develop an active
role with respect to them. Since my knowledge is not the area of medicine,
the patients were urged to describe their problems, difficulties and the positive
and negative consequences of their experiences. When we had listed their tragedies,
we would identify general causes. Had we published these results, we should
have concluded that anyone suffering these psychic problems would in all probability
sooner or later have suffered organic damage in their lives.
Our permanent quest in this work was as precise as possible, attempting to
connect the psychic experience with the organic symptoms. Just to mention
an example: five problem areas could be considered in connection with breast
I think Dr. Hamer has identified as many types as we found. My work at Villejuif
allowed me to discover the biological identification of breast cancer. Dr.
Hamer’s method allowed me to interconnect the emotional disturbances
with the somatic symptomatology and to establish it with specificity. Analysis
of the available factual studies of men and women allows us to group cancer
types into the categories defined by Dr. Hamer.
We can confirm the methods developed by Dr. Hamer one hundred percent on the
basis of the breast cancer patients that we investigated independently and
without knowledge of Dr. Hamer’s work. Our concern was to identify as
completely as possible the experiences of our patients with regard to their
disease. If we were to communicate the results of the psychosomatic analysis
of the problems expressed by our patients, Dr. Hamer would be in a position
to assign the exact pathology to each psychic problem area for these patients.
I took care, as a former worker in the hospital, of 3 different groups of
Group A, consisting of 389 persons (41.38%) who received medical intervention,
Group B, consisting of 215 persons (26.70%), who decidedly refused medical
intervention and group C, consisting of 312 persons (33.0%) who appeared in
consultation only once. Independent of the medical therapy the patients followed,
I can attest that the intimate knowledge of the biological and psychic mechanisms
and their correlation with the medical symptoms always led to an improvement
in the patient’s situation.
Many of them are doing well even today. Their lives have gained in quality
and in inner freedom. If I look back at the eight-year practice in Villejuif,
to June 1994, out of 604 people, 285 have survived, which is 47.18%.
To the survivors belong
102 i.e. 26.22% of group A
183 i.e. 85.11% of group B
Patients in group A, subject to their wishes, received about 8 hours of my
care per person on average.
Patients in group B had a right to at least 40 hours per person.
Both groups also had the possibility to consult additionally via the telephone.
In summary, I would like to state that most of the patients who died did so
because of their fear, on the basis of biological fatigue and their feeling
of isolation, on the basis of the same causes that led to their original disease.
I hope that these short statements can provide a little glimpse in the direction
of the type of work and discoveries that Dr. Hamer brings with him.
I wish to be able to be of assistance to his cause.
Marc Frechet
I am aware of the risk that this text may be translated in a biased way.