Excerpts from Summary Of The New Medicine
By Dr. R. G. Hamer


When I discovered the 'Iron Rule of Cancer' and the two-phased nature of disease in 1981, I submitted my work as a thesis to the University of Tübingen in the belief that I had discovered the connections linking all cancers. Two years later, during the course of my ongoing research, I noticed that all diseases behaved in accordance with these two biological laws and not just carcinomas.

In 1987, I discovered the third and fourth biological laws based on embryology and the behavioural sciences. To my surprise, I was able to establish that these four biological laws can explain all diseases and can be reproduced in each individual case. This forced me to a breathtaking conclusion:

That there is obviously a biological meaning in the diseases of the different germ layers and that they are not meaningless mistakes of nature that we should fight, but instead, are very meaningful events. I therefore had to ask myself:

What brought this disease about? (How?)
What is its biological meaning? (Why?)

I understood that it would only be possible to find the meaning of diseases by referring to the science of embryology and that the biological-social context should also be taken into account in this biological understanding of meaning. (e.g., a mother becomes ill for the benefit of her child or her partner).

I finally had to ask myself whether our understanding and our concept of disease had not been entirely wrong because of our not knowing about the biological purpose of diseases.

I was able to prove that the biological reason for diseases depended on the germ layers (Chapters VII to IX).For example, the reason for diseases of the organs of the inner germ layer (endoderm) lies in the conflict active phase (first phase). In contrast, the biological reason for diseases affecting organs controlled by the cerebral-medulla lies in the conflict resolution (second phase).

I ended up with an entirely different nosological understanding of the concept of 'disease'.We can no longer really speak of it in its earlier sense, but instead, should call it 'an intentional program of nature'.


The DHS (Dirk-Hamer-Syndrome) is the first, meaningful event that triggers this special program.

This summary of my thesis is to make the process of nosological understanding clear and to explain the biological meaning of so-called diseases.

'Disease', in a natural-science-nosological sense, is a teleologically comprehensible, meaningful biological occurrence, a 'special program of nature'.

Chapter I
The German New Medicine as a natural science discipline with five biological laws

I should like to explain what I mean when I speak of German New Medicine as opposed to 'old medicine'.The German New Medicine understands the body as a unified organism, a unity, with the psyche being the integrator of all functions of behaviour and all areas of conflict, and the brain being the main computer of all behavioural functions, conflict areas and organs, and the sum of the consequences of all these events. It is more complicated in reality because the computer brain programs the programmer (psyche) and therefore itself.

The German New Medicine is a natural science, based on five empirically discovered laws that apply, in a strong scientific sense, to each and every case of disease of man or mammal.

It admits no dogma, no hypothesis and no statistical probability. It is clear and logical in itself, and can be understood and applied by any normal intelligent person because it follows the causal logic of natural science.

Materialistic, idealistic and metaphysical concepts are out of place here.In truth, we possess no key to understanding metaphysical phenomena.For thousands of years, we thought thunder and lightning were metaphysical forces. Not until recently have we understood them to be electro-physical phenomena. Even though we now understand that the phenomenon of thunder is not due to an act of God, we have not lost our sense of wonder of the unknown.

Physicians have always longed for a body of knowledge that abides by natural and scientific methods and is in accordance with natural scientific laws.However, they have been forced to accept too many hypotheses and this will be discussed in Chapter II.It became admissible to string a group of hypotheses together to 'prove' the most daring claims.These were only assertions and not real laws, as they exist in natural science.

In what follows, we present five ironclad biological principles that can be reproduced and verified in every comparable case with sound scientific criteria.

There is at present a movement to divide medicine into organic medicine and psychological medicine, or psychotherapy.When a doctor states that there is no organic cause, he is giving the psychotherapist a free hand to treat these 'clean' psychological diseases.Such division is absurd in the eyes of a practitioner of the German New Medicine, because illness cannot be divided and parcelled out. The psyche, brain and organ are three levels of the same organism and the course of events on them is always synchronous!

The five biological laws of the German New Medicine are:

1. The Iron Rule of Cancer

The law of the two-phased development of every disease to the extent that there is a resolution of the conflict
The ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer equivalent diseases
The ontogenetic system of microbes in diseases
The biological meaning of each Special Program of Nature


Every cancer or cancer-like disease originates with a Dirk Hamer Syndrome ('DHS') which is a

very difficult
highly acute, dramatic and
isolating shock

The experience of shock is simultaneous or virtually simultaneous on three levels:

1. the psyche
2. the brain
3. the organ


The content of the conflict caused by the DHS determines, at the very moment of the DHS, the location of the Hamerschenherd ('HH') in the brain and the corresponding location of the cancer or cancer-equivalent disease in the organ (body).

The development of the conflict determines a specific development of the HH in the brain and of the cancer or cancer-equivalent disease in the organ.

2. The second biological law

Every disease is a two-phased occurrence, as long as there is a resolution of the conflict.

Medical textbooks previously identified a few hundred 'cold' and a few hundred 'warm' diseases.

Patients with 'cold' diseases present with cold skin and cold extremities; they are in protracted stress, lose weight, have difficulty falling asleep and suffer sleep disorders. For examples we have cancer, MS, angina pectoris, neurodermatitis, diabetes and mental and mood disorders.

Other diseases are defined as rheumatic, infectious, allergic, and especially exanthematous.

But we have discovered that this is not correct. These cold and warm diseases were not single illnesses but one of two phases of an illness, the 'cold' being the first and the 'warm' being the second phase. This will be covered more precisely in Chapter IV.

Since no single disease was understood correctly, no single case was understood correctly.

3. The third biological law

The ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer-equivalent diseases.

The interconnections and relationships - covered in detail in Chapter V - are so fundamentally new that nothing even vaguely equivalent exists in the medical literature today.

The ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer-equivalent diseases includes the following criteria:

A. Conflicts related at the embryonic-layer level also have

-embryonic-layer related cerebral relays
-in cases of conflict, so-called Hamerschenherd ('HH')
-embryonic-layer related organs, which are affected and have
-embryonic-layer related histological formations.

B. Old-brain directed conflicts (brain-stem directed endoderm and cerebellar directed mesoderm) show cell multiplication in the conflict active phase (CA-phase) and destruction or caseation of the tumors by the appropriate microbes, if they exist, in the healing phase (PCL phase).

Cerebral directed conflicts (mesodermal organs directed by loci in the cerebrum and ectodermal organs directed by the cerebral cortex) show cell decrease in the CA-phase (necroses, ulcers) or impairment or interruption of function in the so-called cancer-equivalent diseases.

C. Each so-called illness, in reference to the CA-phase and the PCL phase, is a meaningful biological occurrence to be understood through embryology and behavioural research. This means that the illness is presenting us with the challenge of solving an unusual and unforeseen biological problem.

4. The fourth biological law

There is a correspondence between embryonic-layer related organ groups - without exception in the PCL phase - and embryonically related groups of microbes. The microbes are not the harbingers of the symptoms, but the optimizers of the healing phase.

All microbes are steered from the brain. The so-called immune system, imagined by us as an army fighting the malignant cancerous cells and microbes in a grand battle, does not exist in this sense. Following instructions from the brain, the pathogenic microbes become benign apathogenic microbes that retreat into a part of the organism where they are no bother and can be recalled and reactivated in the PCL phase on specific organs. Obsessed by our bacteriological, hygienic thinking, we have tried to stamp out these seasonal workers of the organism. As we shall see, by suppressing tuberculosis, we have prevented breast and intestinal tumors in the PCL phase from being caseated by the little souring rods, thereby preventing the consequent tumor destruction. This helped surgery and oncology, but it was biologically and medically wrong.

5. The fifth biological law

This fifth biological natural law virtually takes us to the 'Original Medicine'; it turns the current nosological (disease) understanding totally on its head. Disease, as it has been defined until now, no longer exists. Our ignorance prevented us from recognizing that all so-called diseases have a special biological meaning.

The fifth biological law is really the quintessence of the four preceding natural laws of the German New Medicine. In hindsight, one could call it the most meaningful of the natural laws. This quintessence not only encapsulates the earlier strongly scientific laws, but also opens up a new dimension. It is the soul of the German New Medicine. In one step, it achieves the connection between what can be investigated scientifically and what can be called transcendental, supernatural, parapsychological or understandable only from a religious point of view. Things that are felt and experienced from a scientific point of view and that cannot be explained and seem puzzling or nonsensical.

With the fifth biological law, we can finally understand our connection to the cosmos around us and in which we are embedded. The Spaniards, who have a feeling for such dimensions of understanding, call the German New Medicine 'la medicina sagrada'. This name came up in Andalucia some time in the spring of 1995.

'La medicina sagrada' opens up a new, cosmic, godly dimension! All of a sudden, our medical thinking and feeling includes every elephant, beetle, bird and dolphin; every microbe, plant and tree. Anything other than this 'cosmic thinking' in the framework of live nature is no longer tenable. While we used to regard Mother Nature as fallible and had the audacity to believe that she constantly made mistakes and caused breakdowns (malignant, senseless, degenerative cancerous growth, etc.) we can now see, as the scales fall from our eyes, that it was our ignorance, arrogance and pride that were and are the only foolishness in our cosmos. We could not understand such a 'sewn up' totality, and so brought upon ourselves this senseless, soulless and brutal medicine.

Full of wonder, we can now understand for the first time that nature is orderly (we already knew that), and every occurrence in nature is meaningful, even in the framework of the whole, and that the events we called 'diseases' are not senseless disturbances to be repaired by sorcerers’ apprentices. We can see that nothing is meaningless, malignant or diseased. Why can we not see this interplay of nature in all the inhabited cosmos as something 'godly'? Was it not so before the outbreak of the major religions? From the priests of the god Aesclepius, we learn that the profession of physician was always the profession of a priest.

After the details are set out, biology, human biology and medicine will become clear, transparent, and well understood. As a professor at the Pedagogic Institute in Heidelberg, I taught human biology for many years. I believe that those sessions -'docendo discimus' – were responsible for helping me to discover the fifth biological natural law.
Chapter II
A. The Methodology of the German New Medicine

The methodology of the German New Medicine is conceptually easy. Most importantly, it requires a little experience and a healthy understanding of the human psyche, characteristics regarded by medical thinking as unscientific and even nonsensical. Until the present, we have worked predominantly with statistics. We are therefore confronted with the question of whether the person who understands the new methodology and its logic can also learn to be a detective of the psychic level?

The person who comprehends it easily and understands it intuitively is no less qualified than a more intellectually inclined colleague. In fact, the intellectually inclined tend to lack what may be needed to better understand their patients. On the other hand, we know that for the dedicated doctor whose heart and soul is with his patients, nothing is more rewarding than the knowledge and practice of the German New Medicine. Physicians gifted with the right qualities will be able to acquire the necessary all-round knowledge that today’s specialists, the so-called ‘cream’ of the profession, cannot hope to attain.

I do not exaggerate when I state that whoever wants to work with the German New Medicine professionally and is generally experienced in all three levels (of psyche, brain, organ), should first and foremost be a wise and decent person, recognized by the patient as a fellow human being and an extraordinary professional.

Future therapies will entail very little medication but will require the patient’s understanding of the root cause of his conflict and disease. Together with his doctor, the patient will find the best resolution to his problem or the best strategy in order to avoid repeating it in the future.

The patient is thus the absolute 'boss' in the treatment and procedure of his illness, and herein is the special aspect of the German New Medicine. The patient will no longer be 'treated', but will 'treat himself'. The relationship between patient and physician will be completely re-thought and re-defined.

Today’s highly-qualified and specialized doctor will, in future, have to be a broadly trained, well-educated and humane 'medical detective'. These 'Priests of Aesclepius' must be kind-hearted, wise and possess outstanding general knowledge. I know that this picture does not fit the prevailing one of a 'successful' physician.

Let’s go to our subject:

To determine whether he is right or left-handed, the first thing every patient should be asked to do is the clapping test. To establish this, they should spontaneously clap as if they were in the theatre. The hand that is on top striking the other is the leading hand and will determine which cerebellar or cerebral hemisphere is predominant and will suffer a conflict first. In case of uncertainty, this relationship can easily be established and empirically proven with the help of a CT scan. Referring to the patient’s brain, we can then conclude whether he is functioning right- or left-handed, independent of the training he received as a child.

The DHS has become the pivot and focal point of the entirety of the German New Medicine. It is such a wonder that we can now accurately calculate and understand the process. We must slip into the patient’s skin to try and imagine the entire situation the second the DHS occurred; this happens in the blink of an eye. To do this, we will need to know the patient’s personal life history, his experiences and ideas about matters such as religion, society, family, finances, etc. I must emphasize the importance of this methodology in order to avoid the danger of a superficial assessment by a physician who does not take the time or who will not be able to enter the human situation and enter the confessional with his fellow being.

No matter how objective psychological questionnaires seem to be, they do not take into account the peculiarities of the psyche and what occurred in the moment of the DHS.

The scientific chart covers all medicine and enables empirical identification of the correlations between the three levels - psyche, brain and organ - in each individual disease and each phase of a disease or the three levels of the biologically unique programs.

Also to be found on the chart are the types of histological formations that may be expected and the types of microbes that will be present once the biological conflict has been resolved.

Two points determine a line. If we have a third point lying on that line, we can easily crosscheck our evaluation. Staying with this image, we have not three points in one direction, but five, if the histological formation and the corresponding microbes are also included. The development of a disease or of a special biological program for the resolution of a conflict has a number of marking points that may be found:

1. The first is the DHS - the most important point in the entire process. Even the most experienced practitioner in the German New Medicine, which I must modestly admit to being, is not spared the work of following the stages of a conflict. In every single case, I have to work like a brave clinical medical expert and soul-detective, to re-trace the steps of the conflict course and the healing course, all the way back to the DHS. In other words, to the beginning of the entire process.

The DHS embodies not only the acute dramatic conflict shock which 'catches us on the wrong foot', but also the content of the conflict. The content of the conflict is what determines the location of the Hamerschenherd ('HH') in the brain and the subsequent location of the cancer growth or necrosis on the organ in the instant of the DHS. However, something else happens during the instant of the DHS: 'tracks' are laid or continuing tracks are laid that remain in the aftermath on which the 'train' runs again and again.

The 'tracks' in the DHS are analogous to the environment, the circumstances that create an association in the second of the DHS. A professor interested in allergies once described this very well with the following formula: “If you suffer a DHS with a biological conflict and a cow happens to be passing, you will develop an allergy to cows, but if you happen to be biting into an orange, you will develop an allergy to oranges.” In the instant of the DHS, humans and animals are unconsciously ‘aware’ of their environment. These circumstances later result in so-called allergies.

Two examples will serve to demonstrate this. Hay fever used to be the predominant allergy, although it no longer is today. The reason was simple: the first lovemaking between young people usually took place in haystacks because they were the least expensive and most inconspicuous nuptial beds. DHS’s often occurred when these intimate situations were either unexpectedly interrupted or ended unhappily. The partner who experienced the DHS and who suffered the biological conflict might later involuntarily remember the catastrophe in the hay without realizing the connection. The association of the smell of hay is what brings the 'allergy to hay'. The swelling (edema) in the para-nasal sinus, so-called 'hay fever', only occurs in the healing phase. The smell of the hay is connected and associated with the DHS because of the compromising experience.

A second case: During a flight that a couple took from Senegal to Brussels, the husband suffered a heart infarction. They were incapable of doing anything and the wife suffered a death fright conflict from her concern for her husband who could have died at any moment. After landing in Brussels, the husband was rushed to hospital where it was determined that the infarction had not been that severe and he quickly recovered. His wife, however, fell ill several times with a solitary lung-nodule, after which she would perspire heavily for days or weeks when the tumor would be gone, caseated by the tubercular bacteria.

A solitary cancerous nodule was discovered one day when the patient had again started sweating at night. Her physicians in Brussels were at a loss and requested my assistance. I asked the patient the same questions they had asked her since they were familiar with the German New Medicine: whether her husband was sick again and whether she feared for his life. She said her husband had felt quite well since the heart infarct on the plane. I then asked whether her husband had flown again. She said neither of them had flown since that occasion. She then said she thought her problem was related to planes because ever since that terrible event on the flight from Senegal, she would panic any time her children or grandchildren had to fly; she would feel a death fright for weeks until they were safely back in Brussels. That was exactly what had happened until the solitary lung-nodule was discovered through an aspiration and diagnosed as an adeno carcinoma.

As we can clearly see, the patient suffered a second ‘track’ during her husband’s heart infarct crisis on the plane. This second track is associated with the DHS as a fear of helplessness during the event on the plane. The patient had what every psychologist can understand - a death fright for her husband that re-activated the track by itself as she ‘associated’ the event anew every time a family member took a plane. It was not really a logical response since her family was young and unlikely to suffer a heart infarct. However, that was not the issue. The point was that the ‘plane’ became a separate ‘track’ connected to the ‘death fright track’ and created a second conflict, a conflict-complex situation, so that every time a member of her family travelled by plane, the patient suffered a recurrence of a solitary lung nodule - the sign of having gone through a death fright for another person.The best way to solve the conflict was for her family to only mention travel by train, even though they really travelled by plane. The patient, a mother and grandmother, would thereafter only hear about their train travel or was only told about a trip after their return.

These examples demonstrate the importance of getting back to the DHS in order to recall the exact situation at the moment of its origin. In philology, this would be called a context: an important passage from a text cannot be omitted, as the text must be understood in its entire context.

Once we have been able to reconstruct the event of the DHS with all its variables from the moment of the event, or regard it as a separate ‘track’, then the conflict course must be followed from the DHS right up to the present condition. In principle, there are two possibilities:

that the patient is still in the conflict active phase (CA-phase), or
that the patient is already in the healing phase (PCL-phase)

The conflict active phase:

There are three starting points from which we can begin our diagnosis:

the psychic level
the cerebral level, or
the organic level

A patient usually comes to a medical professional with a variety of symptoms or even a diagnosis on the organic level, in which case I recommend starting from the organic level.

Organic symptoms must be evaluated with great care because there is always the risk that they can be accounted for by old carcinomas that have not been caseated in the healing phase for lack of tubercular bacteria. A CT scan can easily detect a solitary liver carcinoma if the patient complains of hepatic, ulcerating bile duct liver disorders.

In fact, a start can be made from any of the three levels but should not be confined to one level unless forced by circumstances. I would recommend a brain CT scan in standard layers, since the cerebral level is highly expressive and revealing at the time of the examination. (A scan lasts for four minutes with minimal exposure to radiation). Even here, we must remember that the brain CT is only an instant exposure of a photograph that may show old scar tissue from a previous event. These scars can and do indicate the event of the impact of the DHS but only then, when the last visible type of image of the biological conflict had lasted continuously throughout the conflict active phase.

The psyche is the most interesting and informative level, especially with respect to the ‘tracks’ that are simultaneously established at the time of the DHS. Only the patient can recall how the conflict affected him in the moment of the DHS.

I once saw a patient with a right-sided ductal mammary carcinoma that had been amputated. From the conflict course and from a rational evaluation of the symptoms, it seemed clear that the DHS had occurred because of an abortion. At first, this connection was neither logical nor familiar because a right-handed mother usually feels a separation conflict from her child (embryo) as the result of an abortion and would succumb to a left mammary carcinoma. The patient assured me right away that it was not the child she was concerned about but her boyfriend, who had disappeared shortly after the abortion. When the boyfriend reappeared three months later and moved back in, she discovered a large swelling in her right breast (as a result of being separated from him).

It is beyond the scope of this summary to present more cases and constellations. I have saved them for another book entitled 'Differential Diagnosis in the German New Medicine'.

The conflict resolution (conflictolysis) (CL)

The conflictolysis is a very specific point that must not be overlooked. The turning point of the vegetative innervation from a lasting sympathicotony to a lasting vagotony is a very powerful seizure that is psychic, vegetative-cerebral or organic. At an organic level, fever or influenza is often diagnosed.

Every disease has its very clearly defined PCL symptoms that begin with the CL. I do not believe it is difficult to find the CL in a one-cycle disease. It gets difficult when it comes to a 'hanging conflict' where there has not yet been a CL. It is also difficult where there are constant relapses and constant conflict resolutions. An example of 'hanging healing' is Morbus Parkinson's disease where the trembling, mostly of hands, indicates a healing phase, and the patient suffers a conflict relapse at night in a dream state.

Why is it important to find out the time of the CL so precisely, especially in a one-cycle course where the CA-phase and the PCL-phase are uninterrupted? It is because the accurate determination of time can mean life or death for the patient. By establishing the time of the DHS to the time of the CL to the present condition, an estimate can be made as to what stage the patient is in at that moment: Is the patient still facing an epileptoid crisis (EC)? Has the epileptoid crisis already passed? What actual danger exists? Of importance with leukaemia is the calculation in which the preceding anaemia continues to exist with the CL, whereby through the enlargement of the vessels, the calculation can still increase significantly to a 'half-pseudo-anaemia'. Patients should be watched very carefully during the two weeks after the CL. They must remain calm and should not take any risks or be given unnecessary blood transfusions. If a transfusion is needed, it should be administered at night (especially with children) in order to avoid a possible 'bleeding and injury conflict' for the patient. While in a panic, our brain cannot tell the difference between losing blood and a blood transfusion or having 'blood cancer', a term still in use today.

The patient in the healing phase

In this phase the patient’s outer symptoms are warm hands, weakness, fatigue, good appetite and finally possible fever and a lasting vagotonia.

As soon as the doctor determines that the patient is in the healing phase, he must move very fast to establish what stage of the healing phase the patient is in. He must also find the exact moment of the DHS and determine the duration of his conflict in order to answer this question:

Is the patient in a pre- or post-epileptoid crisis? Does the epileptoid crisis in this particular disease have a high mortality rate?

If we are dealing with an old brain directed disease, we have to question whether the tuberculosis has started or whether the patient should be helped in developing a tubercular infection.

The healing progression may already be well advanced and without tuberculosis bacteria so that surgery may be appropriate, in the case of an intestinal cancer, in order to avoid an intestinal obstruction. However, only the minimum should be extirpated in such an operation, and no more than 15 cm of the large intestine or, if it is technically possible, cut back the tumor without risk of bleeding. The earlier maxim to cut deep into the healthy tissue to avoid metastasis is unfounded and absurd.

Other differential-diagnostic considerations have to be adopted when dealing with the growth of a real thyroid adenoma caused by a conflict of 'not having been fast enough to catch the morsel'. If no tuberculosis is present in the healing phase, or if tuberculosis would not be helpful for the remainder of the healing phase, then an operation is needed to lower the thyroxin rate, something Mother Nature would have regulated after the breakdown of the adenoma.

The healing phases have been misunderstood as 'infectious diseases'. Categorizing them correctly does not mean that things will be easier in the future from a therapeutic point of view. Knowing the exact time of the DHS and the duration of the conflict active phase will help us to prepare for what is to come. The better we can supervise the events, the calmer the patient will be.

Matters obviously become more complicated if there are several biological conflicts running at the same time so it is very important to know whether the phases are developing in the same direction or in opposite directions. If a patient is suffering a PCL phase of a biological conflict and a CA-phase of a second biological conflict simultaneously, then the cautious use of cortisone should be considered. It should be avoided, however, if possible.

Very important in this connection is the brain edema of the HH in the PCL phase that, unfortunately, is misdiagnosed as a 'brain tumor' and unnecessarily operated on (see chapter XI on HH).

The epileptic/epileptoid crisis (EC)

As harmless as the PCL phase may be in several diseases, death is a possibility if care is not taken. The epileptoid crisis often presents a real challenge, even for experienced clinicians. The EC is the hour of truth for a number of cortical cerebral-directed organ diseases such as cardiac infarction, left cardiac infarction and right cardiac infarction with pulmonary embolism, lyses of pneumonia, lysis of laryngeal carcinoma, branchial/pharyngeal cysts, diabetes, hypoglycaemia, sensory paralysis and sensory-periosteal paralysis. More details for each of these diseases can be obtained from the scientific chart.

These distinctive points can be reproduced in every patient. The more precise and scientific this becomes, the better the chances for our patients. If we are able to tell them (other than a few extreme cases) that they will survive, they will mobilize a phenomenal strength and will work enthusiastically on their recovery as 'manager of developments'.

Validation and Proof in the German New Medicine

How does one prove any case for repeatability according to the biological laws of the German New Medicine?

During the last thirteen years, a large number of repeatability tests have been performed, most of them in public, and none of them different from what I recommended thirteen years ago to a number of professors at the University of Tübingen in Germany. I had even agreed to the tests being carried out behind closed doors, if that was what they wanted.

Scientific rules of reproducibility should always be employed to test whether any number of identical cases can be explained and traced by the laws of the German New Medicine.
What is scientific reproducibility?

In the hard physical sciences (physics and chemistry), the strength of proof of a law depends exclusively on the public reproducibility of the identical experiment. Mutatis mutandis, it is also true for the biological laws of the German New Medicine for the identical type of disease of each and every patient.

In the physical sciences, the same material that was used for test A is not used for test B, but an equivalent material is used. In chemistry, the same water is not used from a previous test, but equivalent water (H2O). In the same way, one cannot use patient 'B' for the same demonstration as patient 'A', but only an identical, circumstantially equivalent case.

Should the need arise to reproduce the patients’ cases according to the five biological laws of the German New Medicine, the matter in principle is very simple.

There are three levels that must run synchronously, as well as two disease phases (provided the conflict can be solved). A phase of normality comes prior to the sympathicotonic phase and at the end of the vagotonic healing phase there is a normotonia that can be seen from the remaining scars on the psychic, cerebral and organic levels and can easily be differentiated from the pre-existing 'intact' normal phase.

We thus have not only the four phase-segments on each of the three levels, but additionally, three well-marked points (DHS, CL and EC) on each of the three levels, giving 21 criteria which, according to the five biological laws, can also be tested separately.

Since the five biological laws together contain a minimum of six criteria - the histological, the cerebral topographic, the organ topographic, the conflict colouring and the microbial - we can end up with 126 testable and reproducible facts for every single case, if all three levels can be very closely examined.

That only one single case would accidentally exhibit these 126 reproduced facts is an astronomical improbability, since it is only the next-best case out of millions of possible cases.

However, if a patient has only two diseases occurring in part in parallel or partially in succession, then we can add the testable facts and obtain 252; the likelihood on the other hand escalates exponentially and to astronomically high values.

The most important criterion to be included in the calculation is that the localization of the HH in the brain is pre-determined. It means that this relay, one of several hundred possible relays, is already established. In the case of a disease, this relay is the HH and must have the exact appearance belonging to the corresponding phase. The probability for only a single case reaches already astronomic proportions. Consider that at each of my reviews, patients had several cancers or paralysis, diabetes or the like, and for each single disease, all the criteria had to be fulfilled...!